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Support Options

DigitalSuite provides you with a variety of options to obtain help, support, and answers to your questions.

You can access these options from each module of DigitalSuite Studio using the Support icon in the top, right-hand corner.


Icon Description
Homepage: Switch to your personal DigitalSuite homepage where you find all applications required to fulfill your tasks.
Raise a ticket: If you have a technical question or problem, submit your issue using our DigitalSuite Support Portal. If you do not yet have an account for the portal, you can register. Please note that the portal is available to all customers, but application-specific support is only ensured if there is a dedicated support plan for your account.
Documentation: The product documentation on DigitalSuite answers your questions and guides you through the application development process.
RunMyProcess Ops: Use the @runmyprocessops Twitter Channel to get live news on platform maintenance, releases, or production issues we may encounter.
Developer Community: For questions on the development and design of your application, feel free to consult the RunMyProcess Developer Community. Check whether the question has already been answered by our support team or user community. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, submit your question to our expert community.