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Task Sub-Process Tab

This tab allows you to configure the sub-process launched by the task.

The sub-process is a process that has already been designed in your RunMyProcess environment.

Indeed, each process designed on the platform can be used as a sub-process by another since each process is a connector (web service) provided by the RunMyProcess Server Provider.

This value is set to 'RunMyProcess Server' by default.

Search for sub-processes in the directory
Click this link to choose a specific process that has already been created. Only processes defined in your process's project (or in a project included in this project) can be used.

info_1 A process can't call itself : recursive calls are forbidden.

info_2 You can create a new process by clicking on the "New Process" button.

Process name
Name of the sub-process.

Provider URL
The URL of the RunMyProcess platform which is providing this sub-process as one of its connectors.

The URL of the sub-process - an Unique Identifier of a process on the RunMyProcess platform.

Nested process
Check this box if you want to use your sub-process as a nested process. A nested process is a sub-process that shares its variables with its father process. Therefore, you don't have to inject context to send variables from father process to sub-process and you don't have to inject result to retrieve sub-process variables into the father process. When a variable is modified in a sub-process, it is instantly modified in the father process since it is the same variable.

Inject context
Check this box if you want to create all variables of your father process as input variables for your subprocess. Otherwise, you will have to define all variables to be sent from father process to the subprocess as Input Variables of the sub-process or use get_parent_params() freemarker function.

Inject results
Check this box if you want to create all variables of your sub-process (or connector or manual task web interface) as output variables of your task : you won't need to create output variables to get values of variables of your sub-process (ex: name=${P_result.name}) or use inject_params() freemarker function.

info_3 You should use this option carefully since all of your process's variable values could be replaced by your sub-process's variable values (or with the variable values of your webservice or manual task web form) if the name of the variable is the same.

info_4 In this case, the P_result variable of the task is not updated : the value of the previous task remains present in variable P_result.

Share history & upload files
If this option is set, the calling process will share its history and any files that have been uploaded (via the file upload widget) with the sub-process.
If this option is not set, the calling process will not share its history or any uploaded files with the sub-process.

This option is checked by default.

info_5 This option is not available for nested processes as the history of such processes is already shared.

Run as

By default, a sub-process is launched by P_User - the latest user to update the process status (by launching the process or completing a manual task). You can choose to launch the sub-process on behalf of P_Initiator - the person who launched the process.

info_6 All your sub-process's input variables are automatically created in the Input Variables tab for your task.

info_7 Variables can be set either when the process is launched, in a previous task as Output Variables or in this current task as Input Variables.