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JavaScript Widget

Allows you to define a scripting widget to perform arithmetical calculation on fields of web page (a+b) or to run javascript code including RunMyProcess javascript functions (hide/show dynamically fields on web page, set dynamically value of fields on web page...).

field-calc-2 Javascript field

An Javascript field widget has the following properties fields:

  • Label: text written next to the Javascript field.
  • Label width: width of label (in pixel). It allows you to align horizontally different widgets.
  • Label alignment: choose "Horizontal" to have the "Label" on the left of the widget and "Vertical" to have it on the top of the widget.
  • Variable: name of the variable to be filled up with result of script widget (calculation widget).
  • Listen to variables: name of the variables of the web page to listen to, to trigger calculation. If your script widget contains the following formula : [[a]]+[[b]] where a and b are variables of web page ; this field should contain : a,b. Unless the Always execute checkbox is checked, the Listen to variables property will NOT be executed if it contains empty variables.
  • Script: your arithmetical calculation or your javascript code.
  • Error message: message displayed in case Javascript field is in error.
  • Executed even read-only: script will be executed even if manual task has been validated (cf. read-only mode).
  • Identifier: id of the widget. You will only need it if you want to use Javascript functions in your web page.