Using Internal Parameters to control the execution mode and version.
This document discusses the use of the internal parameters P_mode
and P_version
in changing an application's execution mode and controlling which version of a project is launched.
1 Overview
It is possible to change an application's Execution Mode by using the internal parameter P_mode
. The effect that specifying a value for this parameter has depends on the current deployment status of the project i.e. where the correct version is deployed. This document specifies the behaviour of P_mode
in each possible situation.
Similarly, the internal parameter P_version
can be used to specify which version of the application should be launched. It is possible to have multiple versions of the same application running concurrently in both TEST and ACCEPTANCE, this internal parameter allows you to explicitly specify which one you want to launch.
2 Using the URL to determine the mode of execution.
When you open a Web Interface, the URL takes one of these formats:${customer_id}/appli/${app_id}?P_mode=TEST&P_version={version_id}
You will notice that there is a parameter, P_mode
that is part of the URL in the first two cases, this parameter determines whether the Web Interface and its associated processes are opened in TEST, ACCEPTANCE or LIVE mode.
The second parameter, P_version
determines which version of the application is launched.
3 P_mode
The effect of specifying a value for P_mode
depends on the application's current deployment status.
There are four cases to consider:
3.1 The project has a version in LIVE and the Web Interface is part of this version:
* **?P_mode=LIVE** will open the web interface in **LIVE**.
* **?P_mode=TEST** will open the web interface in **TEST**.
* if there's **no P_mode**, the default will be **LIVE** <br/>.
3.2 The project has a version in LIVE but the Web Interface is not part of this version:
* **?P_mode=LIVE** will lead to an error message: "The resource appli {my web interface} of the project {my project} doesn't exist in the version {my version}".
* **?_mode=TEST** will open the Web Interface in **TEST**.
* if there is **no P_mode**, it will lead to an error message: "The resource appli {my web interface} of the project {my project} doesn't exist in the version {my version}".
3.3 The project has a version in TEST:
* **?P_mode=LIVE** will lead to an error message: "No production version found for appli {my web interface}".
* **?P_mode=TEST** will open the Web Interface in **TEST**.
* if there's **no P_mode**, it will lead to an error message: "The resource appli {my web interface} of the project {my project} doesn't exist in the version {my version}".
3.4 There is no version of the project:
* **?P_mode=LIVE** will lead to an error message: "No production version found".
* **?P_mode=TEST** will open the Web Interface in **TEST**.
* if there's **no P_mode**, the default will be **TEST**.
4 P_version
P_version enables you to change the version that has been opened. It is possible to have multiple versions of the same project running in both TEST and ACCEPTANCE mode, it can be useful during testing to be able to switch to a different version. Only one version of a project can exist in LIVE mode.
Each version created has a unique identifier. A list of existing versions, along with their unique identifier and execution mode (Test, Acceptance or Production) can be found in the Versions
tab on the project area. To change the version that is running you will need to make a note of the identifier of the version that you want to run and enter this in the URL e.g.
It is possible to run Acceptance versions in TEST mode (P_mode = TEST
) but not vice versa. Similarly, Production versions can be run in both TEST and ACCEPTANCE mode.