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This screen allows you to display the variables used and passed on by the process during execution.

info_1 By clicking the underlined name of a variable, you can copy its name, or, for structured variables, its path, or its value. You will find, for example, the latest values of P_result (result of a task), P_task (ID of the last task executed), P_user (user who has performed the last action on the process), etc.

Initial parameters
List of parameters sent to the process upon its launching.

Computed parameters
List of parameters calculated during process execution with their current values.

Internal parameters
List of generated parameters used by RunMyProcess during process execution. To learn more about these parameters, refer to How to use Freemarker.

info_3 If a variable value is greater than 500 Kb, it will not be displayed in monitoring tools. Instead, the following value will be shown: "Value is too large to be displayed".