Text, mail, date or number input Widget
Allows you to define a text, mail, date or number input widget.
Text input
Mail input
Date input
Number input
A input widget has the following properties fields:
- Label: text written next to the input widget.
- Label width: width of label (in pixel). It allows you to align horizontally input zone of different widgets.
- Label alignment: choose "Horizontal" to have the "Label" on the left of the widget and "Vertical" to have it on the top of the widget.
- Variable (or "numeric date variable" for a "Date input"): name of the variable in the process to be filled in with user "input".
- Default value: default value of "input". It allows you to initialize your "input" widget if initialize check box is checked.
- String date variable: this field only appears if your Type is "Date". This variable will return date chosen by user in string format according to "Pattern" field.Indeed,"numeric date variable" for a "Date input" will return the number of seconds since 01/01/1970.
- First day in week: this field only appears if your Type is "Date". It allows you to choose whether your calendar first day will be Sunday or Monday (or default ie.
chosen according to your browser language) - Lines: allows you to define the number of lines of the widget
- Columns: this field only appears if you haven't typed "1" in field "Lines". It allows you to define the length (number of characters typed in a line) of the widget.
- Type: allows you to define the type of data user should enter so as to have a format validation before sending data to the process. It can be : Text, Number or Date
- Pattern: allows you to define the rule for format validation.The pattern must be a regular expression.
Examples :
Text in lowercase
Percentage (3 digits)
- Pattern warning: message that will be prompted to user if a pattern is not valid.
- Minimum/Maximum: these fields only appear if your Type is "Number". They allow you to define the minimum and maximum number to be entered by the user. Leave empty if no limit.
- Max characters: this field only appears if you have typed "1" in field "Lines". It allows you to limit the number of characters typed in the widget.
- Max visible char.: this field only appears if you have typed "1" in field "Lines". It allows you to set the length (number of visible characters) of the text input widget.
- Password: this field only appears if you have typed "1" in field "Lines". Check this option if you don't want to displayed text input on the screen.
- Keypress: check this option if you want to trigger a javascript whenever a key is typed in the widget.
Add a javascript in a Javascript field widget. It will look like the following :
RMPApplication.addListener(valueChanged ); function valueChanged(name,value) {if (name == "email_to") {alert("New value : "+value);}}
- Tooltip: message to be displayed to the user when staying one or two seconds on the widget.
- Identifier: id of the widget. You will only need it if you want to use Javascript functions in your web page.