How to inject a JSONObject in a Web interface variables
You have a json variable my_json like:
"firstname" : "John",
"address" : "Paris",
"lastname" : "Smith "
use the following code:
for (var i in my_json) {
var special_value = false;
if (typeof(my_json[i]) == "object") {
//if my_json[i] is an array or json
if (my_json[i].length != undefined) {
//my_json[i] is an array
if (my_json[i].length == 0) {
//empty array []
RMPApplication.setVariable(i, "[]");
special_value = true;
} else {
//my_json[i] is a json
var nb_keys = 0;
for (var j in my_json[i]) {
if (nb_keys == 0) {
//empty json {}
RMPApplication.setVariable(i, "{}");
special_value = true;
if (!special_value) {
RMPApplication.setVariable(i, my_json[i]);