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Developer Guide DigitalSuite

This guide addresses you as a developer of customer applications based on RunMyProcess DigitalSuite.

It addresses beginners as well as advanced or expert users, and guides you through the process of developing applications.

The tasks of a developer comprise developing applications, including monitoring and debugging the execution of web interfaces, processes, and composite APIs. With regard to monitoring and debugging, developers usually work closely together with operators. For details on operator tasks, refer to the Operator Guide.

The Getting Started section of this guide refers to a sample application, which you can build step by step by following the instructions. For future versions, it is planned to make this sample application available for users on the DigitalSuite platform.

Check the DigitalSuite Support Options in case of technical questions or problems that cannot be solved with the information in the available documentation.

Note that the Developer Guide for the Advanced IDE still serves as a reference for development topics. It is referenced in this guide, if applicable, since the Advanced IDE-related documentation is being replaced step by step.

The Developer Guide DigitalSuite currently comprises the following sections:

Getting Started: This is the central section for beginners. It describes the main steps for developing an application.
Reports: This section describes how to create and use process and web interface reports.
Collections: This section for advanced users describes how to create and use collections.
Appendix: The appendix contains reference information for advanced users, such as code examples.