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Monitoring the Execution of Schedules

Processes and composite APIs can be launched automatically at specified times and intervals by defining their start event with a timer trigger and a corresponding schedule. A schedule is active for process and composite API versions in Acceptance and Live mode. Scheduled execution in Test mode is not possible.

As an operator, you can monitor the execution of schedules in the Schedules module of DigitalSuite Studio. The module shows the schedules with their configuration and current status. From each schedule, you can open the definition of the process or composite API in the ProcessModeler.

The module displays the following information for each schedule:

  • Process/Composite API: The name of the process/composite API to be launched. Clicking a name opens the design of the process/composite API in the ProcessModeler.

  • Started on: The date and time of the (first) execution.

  • Repetitions: The number of repeated executions. 0 means that the process/composite API is launched exactly once.

  • Period: The delay between the repetitions.

  • Mode: The execution environment: Acceptance or Live.

  • Status: The execution status: Running, Completed, Paused, Failed, or Changed. Changed means that the definition of the process/composite API was changed after the schedule was initiated.