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Custom Lists

A custom list is a static list of reference information that can be reused throughout an application, for example, for validation purposes or in lists in web interfaces. The entries of a custom list consist of a label and a value.

Custom lists and their configuration comprise the following settings, which are described in detail in the sections below:

Custom List Identification

The following settings identify a custom list in DigitalSuite:

  • Name: The name of the custom list. It can be specified as desired, for example, to indicate the list's contents.
  • ID: A generated number used to uniquely identify the custom list.
  • URL: A generated URL relative to the DigitalSuite base URL (live.runmyprocess.com). The URL can be used, for example, to address the custom list in web interfaces.

Custom List Contents

Custom lists are made up of items which are similar to simple JSON objects consisting of:

  • Label: The label (key) of the item.
  • Value: The value of the item.

The same data is used for all execution modes of DigitalSuite.

The data can be created, accessed, and manipulated using:

  • JavaScript in web interfaces.
  • FreeMarker functions in processes.
  • The Project Configuration and Resources modules of DigitalSuite Studio.

Web interface designers are provided with widgets that allow for easy access and use of the data in custom lists. For example, the list items can be displayed as select lists, checkbox lists, or radio button lists without any programming.


Access to a custom list can be set to public or private. Public custom lists can be used on web pages and interfaces without verification while users need to authenticate and have the required permissions to access private custom lists.