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Test and Deployment

In this section, you will learn how to test, deploy, and run your application on the platform.

Testing and Deploying an Application

The main steps involved in testing and deploying your application are:

  1. During development, the application is tested by launching its web interface, process, connector, or composite API in Test mode. In Test mode, the role concept is applied, but only the executing user gets test results. The executing user is the one with the Designer role.
  2. When launching a process, a process request is started. Use the Process Console for monitoring process requests. You can open the Process Console after launching the process, or via a process report.
  3. When you have updated the process or fixed errors, you can relaunch or edit it. You can restart it from the point of failure.
  4. As soon as your development test phase is over, you usually save your work by creating a new version of the project and running this version in Acceptance mode. In Acceptance mode, the role definition specifies which users are authorized to access the application.
  5. During the Acceptance phase, you collect feedback from the user tests. You can then include required fixes in the version currently running in Acceptance mode, or in a new project version.
  6. After completion of the Acceptance phase, you deploy the Acceptance version in Live mode.
  7. For the deployment of the changed version of an application, you can either
    • do the changes on a copy of the Live version and set the copy to Live mode afterwards, or
    • do the changes in the Live version itself by patching it. For patching the Live version with the updated revisions of resources, you set the version to Test mode, update the included resources, and set it back to Live.

For details about testing, deploying, and running an application, refer to:

For details about monitoring the execution of an application, refer to:

Sample Application

As soon as you have created the web interface and process for the sample application, you can launch it in Test mode.

To test the web interface, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Sample Expense Request project, go to Web Interfaces, and launch the Sample - Expense Request web interface in Test mode by choosing Launch in the Actions menu. If you have already created different versions of the web interface, you can choose the version to be launched.
  2. Test all steps of the workflow implemented in the web interface.
  3. Check all screens implemented in the web interface.
  4. Check the notification emails that are sent.

To test the process, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the Sample Expense Request project, go to Processes, and launch the Sample - Expense Request process in Test mode by choosing Launch in the Actions menu. If you have already created different versions of the process, you can choose the version to be launched.
  2. The Process Console helps you identify errors within the process.

To deploy the sample application, proceed as follows:

  1. Specify the users involved in acceptance testing and assign them the required roles.
  2. Create a new version of the Sample Expense Request project according to your versioning policies.
  3. Include all relevant resources in the new version.
  4. Select the versions of included subprojects.
  5. Save the new project version.
  6. When launching the web interface or process, select this version and specify Acceptance or Live mode for the deployment.

Running an Application in Debug Mode

Running an application in debug mode provides detailed information regarding the JavaScript execution in the client's browser. This information can help you identify the location and cause of an error.

For details, refer to Running an application in Debug mode in the Lifecycle Guide for the Advanced IDE.